Project 81 Civic Part 2 -The Engines

Project 81 Civic Part 2 -The Engines

Project 81 Civic part 2 – The Engines

By Brian Gillespie


This week we throw a few engines into Project 81 Civic and see if any of them stick. The engine bay is small, but how small is it? We put our Civic on a lift and drop it on to a D16A1, a B16A1 and a K24A2 engine with transmission to see how much room we have. Is there a clear, easy engine choice? Are the D-series engines small enough? Is a B-series engine too big? How much work would we need to do to mount a K-series engine?

The plan is to drive Project 81 Civic to  Japanese Classic Car Show, so we’ve set a September deadline. We’re putting aside a little time each Tuesday to work on the project. Have we bit off more than we can chew? Will the beers we consume at Taco Tuesday be our downfall? We’ll try to answer these questions and more, in this episode of Projectcarpalooza: Project 81 Civic Part 2- The Engines.



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