5 Double Tools to Make Life Easier
Wrenchopedia Tool Tips

5 Double Tools to Make Life Easier

5 double tools to help you with your Honda.

By Brian Gillespie

I’m sure you’ve heard some variation of the saying, “Get the right tool for the job.” Having the right tool makes the job go quicker. While using the wrong tool can often times damage the bolts or part you are working on. Sometimes the solution isn’t so obvious OR a solo tool job.

For instance, putting a strategic dent in your frame rail for part clearance can be done with a hammer, but what if you need to be precise and there are things nearby you don’t want to hit? How can you target the area you need to hit without mashing everything in the vicinity?

Let’s say you have a bolt that’s too tight. Say it’s in a tight location and you can’t reach it with a socket and breaker bar? Or how about a crank pulley bolt that even you impact driver won’t remove. Doubling up a pair of tools might just be the solution.

Check out our latest Wrenchopedia tool tips video as we show you some creative ways to solve the following problems:

  • Using a hammer without fear of hitting something you don’t want to hit.
  • Getting the leverage you need to loosen over tightened or rusted bolts.
  • Getting more torque from your impact gun.
  • Getting the right angle on tough to reach bolts.
  • Removing stubborn studs.


By the way, have you ever doubled up a couple of tools to get a job done? We are looking for more tips for future videos. Please share your tool tips with us in the comments below or hit us with a message. We’d love to hear from you and we may feature you tool tip in an upcoming video. You’ll be internet famous!

Also, subscribe to our channel and hit us up at vtecacademy.com or, if you’re into social media, you can get your daily dose of VTEC Academy on InstagramFacebook and Twitter. We’re always on the look out for cool and fast Hondas.

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