Insight K Swap
project epiphany 2

Insight K Swap

Project Epiphany 2: Insight K-Swap Part One
By Aaron Gaghagen

Brian likes the Honda Insight a lot. Not just a lot, but A LOT A LOT. I mean, how else would you explain his behavior? First, Brian built an Insight for land speed racing. Him and the crew put tons and tons of hours into that car. All of that effort was rewarded when Brian won a championship in his Insight that he dubbed Project Epiphany. Then he did this little thing where the back end started to come around while he was crossing the El Mirage dry lake bed going about 180mph. One of the front wheels caught an edge and dug into the earth. Yadda, yadda, yadda… 15 1/2 flips and a half second engine removal later, the car was done and Brian was in the hospital looking like an extra from The Walking Dead. You can check that out here.

Basic people say that the best way to get over an ex is move on to the next, but Brian is far from being basic. So, what did he do to get over the loss of his beloved Project Epiphany Insight? He went and bought three Insights to replace it! Each car will serve a different purpose. This is Project Epiphany 2, the street car replacement for the Honda Insight land speed racer, the original Project Epiphany.

It’s a long road to go from fuel sipping commuter hybrid to replacement for a record smashing land speed champion. In this first installment we introduce you to the new project and start the build!

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